Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some important frequently asked questions to consider by the Decuple's whitepaper readers.

1. What is an NFT?

NFT, or non-fungible token, is a type of digital asset that is unique existence and cannot be replaced or duplicated due to its blockchain cryptography. It can be traded for cryptocurrencies to earn money.

2. What is the Utility NFT?

Unlike regular NFTs used just for aesthetic purposes, utility NFTs are mainly more valuable NFTs that give their owners access to real-world and digital advantages such as exceptional facilities, memberships, swapping for physical goods, participation in real-life events, etc.

3. What is Decuple?

Decuple is a blockchain and cryptocurrency-based ecosystem which has designed and integrated ten subset Web 3.0 projects interconnected with Decuple and its NFTs.

4. What are Decuple NFTs?

Decuple NFTs are collections of meticulously designed NFTs with matured applications and purposeful value. They will be released in three main categories: Medallion, Weapon, and Armour (or action figure). By owning these utility NFTs, users can benefit from tons of opportunities and rewards in Decuple subprojects.

5. What are the primary deficits of regular NFTs?

The prominent shortages of today's NFTs that need to be considered by NFT provider companies include but are not limited to:

· Lowering transparency and trust;

· Disappointing liquidity;

· Lack of real use cases;

· Defective monetization procedure;

· Lack of promotion of NFTs;

· Limited ecosystems interoperability.

6. What is the main goal of Decuple NFTs to solve the problems?

Decuple NFTs want to address the challenges and limitations of the regular NFT market. Our main goal is to provide the NFT owners with:

· Higher level of authenticity and transparency;

· The more intrinsic value of their NFTs and passive income feasibility;

· Additional real applications and use cases;

· Higher liquidity for trading NFTs more efficiently than ever;

· Ability to promote the NFTs to a more advanced version with added features;

· And interoperable platforms to recognize Decuple NFT features and function at their utmost proficiency.

7. What are the subprojects of Decuple, and what do they offer?

Decuple consists of ten subprojects, each with distinctive features and advantages for its users in different industries. Until now, six subprojects have been wholly designed and ready to use, as follows:

· Faxen: a cryptocurrency exchange for all traders, investors, and crypto enthusiasts who want to make their financial decisions.

· Campifo: a booking platform in the travel & tourism industry for all travellers and tourists who want to book a flight, accommodation, restaurant and rent cars, motels, etc., around the globe.

· Medurism: a medical tourism & healthcare platform for all patients who want to travel abroad for affordable treatment and surgery.

· Brandstaking: a worldwide online shop for retailers and wholesalers with tens of services like branding consultation, social media advertisements, logistics, etc.

· Opous: a Web 3.0 launchpad connecting investors with crypto businesses to gain profit and raise capital for crypto projects in the form of ICO, IEO, IDO, etc.

· Virtuence: a virtual democratic world for all the above projects comprising video games, metaverse, virtual reality, etc. It connects everyday real life and virtual life.

8. How can users apply their Decuple NFTs in subset projects with the "Stake to Pay" concept?

The "Stake to Pay" concept is an innovative feature that enables users to stake their Decuple NFTs and get rewarded with various platform benefits and discounts. Our users can buy and stake their NFTs in subset platforms. Each service and award is subject to a specific project industry.

9. How can NFT owners benefit from monetization programs?

Decuple considers an infrastructure for users to make money by staking and lending their idle NFTs. By staking NFTs, users can earn passive income from all platforms' dividends, discounts and rewards. By lending NFTs, users can also make money from borrowers who need their NFTs for specific periods and purposes.

10. What are the advantages of Decuple NFTs in Faxen as a cryptocurrency exchange?

Decuple NFT use cases on Faxen include but are not limited to:

· Free blockchain network transactions and withdrawals;

· Less Commission for Traders;

· Bounces of future markets;

· Periodic Dividends;

· Getting a closer seat in airdrop distributions;

11. What are the advantages of Decuple NFTs in Campifo as a travel and lifestyle platform?

· Rewards on flight and other transportation bookings;

· Discounts on any type of accommodations and restaurants, from luxury to budget-friendly options;

· Free local transportation and food services;

· Free tour concierge and guidance;

12. What are the advantages of Decuple NFTs in Medurism as a medical tourism platform?

  • Rewards on flight and other transportation bookings;

  • Discounts on any type of accommodations;

  • Free local transportation and food services;

  • Free tour concierge and guidance;

  • Discounts on received medical services;

13. What are the advantages of Decuple NFTs in Brandstaking as an e-commerce platform?

  • Discounts on purchasing goods;

  • Free consultations and tips for branding;

  • Free or discounted advertisements in social media;

  • Lending your NFT to product buyers or sellers and gain income;

14. What are the advantages of Decuple NFTs in Opous as a crypto launchpad?

· Discount or waiving blockchain network transaction fee;

· Getting a closer seat in the whitelisting procedure of projects;

· Getting prioritized position in ICOs, IDOs, etc.;

· Higher chance of receiving more coins and tokens in the distribution process;

· Acquiring free coins and tokens according to your NFT level;

15. What are the advantages of Decuple NFTs in Virtuence as a mega project?

· Employing NFTs as 2D and 3D avatars and playable characters;

· Opening a store in the metaverse market;

· Playing video games and winning prizes;

· Participating in elections and voting;

· Purchasing and owning metaverse lands;

· Casting votes for projects DAOs;

· Booking flights, accommodations, etc.;

· Trading and investing in cryptocurrencies;

· And more;

16. What are the central visions of Decuple?

Our dream coast is to reach these transcendental goals:

· Financial Literacy;

· Fair Wealth Distribution and Social Equity;

· Cultural Display and Exchange;

· Development of Homemade Businesses;

· Healthcare Improvement.

17. What are the objectives of Decuple's communities?

Our communities are lodged at the heart of our nation, which means everything to us. At our communities, you can interact, share knowledge, learn, and collaborate. We want to make a substantial synergistic space for all professions and types of service receivers.

18. What is the first series of Decuple NFTs?

The first collection of NFTs is a medallion of power and diversity called Genesis. It is a series of 50,000 NFTs with 12 unique parts, each symbolizing an eminent human trait.

19. What are the tier levels of Genesis collection?

There are four types of Genesis tiers: Legendary, Epic, Rare, and Common, with a total of 10,000 items. Each item enables its owners to activate various features and rewards in any Decuple subprojects and owners can also stake or lend them to make money.

20. What is the native token of the Decuple ecosystem?

The native token of the Decuple ecosystem is Decuple (DCP). DCP is a BEP-20 token that operates on the BNB blockchain and serves as value and application exchange within the ecosystem.

21. What is the total supply of DCP token?

The token has a fixed total supply of 1,000,000,000, which will be allocated and distributed according to the tokenomics section.

22. What tokens are used in the Decuple ecosystem, and what are their functions?

Deco (DCO): DCO is Decuple native currency for payments and store of value.

Decuple (DCP): DCP will not be listed on exchanges as a publicly traded currency. However, it has been deployed for many purposes like rewarding mechanisms, NFT marketplaces, and governance and DAO.

Decuple USD (DUSD): a new valuable unit in the Decuple ecosystem for the convenience of trading and payments. Backed by USD in banks and other real assets such as stocks and real estate, with 160% of issued DUSD for safety.

23. How many packages of NFTs will Decuple release?

There are three main packages which will be released soon.

Genesis Collection: Medallions of power and diversity.

Body Collection: Action figure representing a fighter.

Weapon Collection: The fighter's deathly weapon.

Last updated